Many businesses require loans, either to get them off the ground or to expand their operations. Business owners know that they can be profitable, but they need startup money to get the company going. Once they do, they hope that the business will bring in enough...
Business Formation
Is a franchise right for you?
Starting your own business is a major decision for anybody – and one of the primary choices entrepreneurs face is whether to become a franchisee or build their enterprise from scratch. Each option can be viable, but there’s no denying the allure of becoming a...
The startup survival kit: Skills for early-stage success
If you've recently launched a new business, it's crucial to acknowledge that the startup world is a thrilling yet unforgiving landscape. If you've looked at the statistics, you've probably noticed that a staggering number of startups fail within the first five years....
2 legal mistakes that many startups make
Even when business founders take every possible precaution, succeeding with a new company is not easy. While it is possible to make it, a significant number of startups fold within the first few years. A founder of a new business may not be familiar with all of the...
Does timing matter when starting a business?
Starting a business is an exciting step for any entrepreneur. It can be fulfilling to put an idea into action. However, you also want your business to grow after launching. Different factors will determine your ability to be successful from the word go. And one of...
Beware of partnership pitfalls
You and your closest friend have been discussing starting a business together for some time now. Finally, you both are ready to make your dream a reality. You have decided to enter into a partnership and share equal responsibility for managing the company. Before you...
What are the benefits of forming an LLC?
Starting a business or scaling up from a one-person operation can be tremendously exciting, but choosing the legal structure for your business is a decision that can have a broad impact on your future success. You do have choices, but one popular option for...
What are the downsides of a business partnership?
There are certainly many positive upsides to starting a business partnership. Your business partner can bring new perspectives, additional financial capital and additional skills and abilities to the business. Many businesses are only successful because they are...
Don’t forget about insurance when forming a Texas business
It is unfortunately easy to overlook some things when planning and forming a new business. However, failing to address critical issues like business insurance can increase your overall liability once you finally open for business. Since Texas has fewer insurance...
Qualities to look for in a business partner
When you’re starting a business, one of the major things that determines if it will be successful or not could be your business partner. Choosing the right person can bring you to higher levels of success than you would have achieved on your own. Choosing the wrong...